Holy shit. Wednesday. Hi. Fuck, can we just skip you? How about taking a half day? But damn, I made a commitment to blow smoke after work with some pals and then hit up Grams in the nursing home. Fresh the new WE ALL IN THE MATRIX mixtape from DJ/PURPLE/IMAGE (Alex Gray)? Yes, I can hang on that. As usual, the tracks, featuring “imagerevisions” of DJ Roc, 2 Chainz, Soulja Boy, etc., are real laxx while the digital age slithers throughout delicate melodies. And it’s almost an entire whisper. The whole mixtape. It’s as if he tryna treat this release with the fragility of a Wednesday. Keeping it real on the level. Ensuring it’s moving forward without harsh disruption or anticipation. It’s just here, y’all. Like a present afterthought. Something momentary and existent, but not as fleeting or shunned. It’s desired. And may just be desired every Wednesday for the rest of your life. Maybe.

• DJ/PURPLE/IMAGE: http://chanceimages.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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