How is it that VISHNU gets buried? Within these cold vibez of the web, the delectable derangement of a project should never be lost. Hung, too? Rotten files, tickled, prodded, bent, lamented upon, spoken upon, graced, held, dismissed, revisited, AND THEN released? Yepp!

Recently, DJWWWW gifted us with VISHNU, and then the animatronic (maybe) mang said “fuck that,” with the vigor and hoarseness that would make a stallion gruff at the steez of a nag, and gave us some more released-yet-uncopyrighted (for shame!) jazz by way of a split with MINOURAKENTARO on his own Wasabi Tapes. Shoot shoot, woot woot!!

Check the (old) DJWWWW below, cuz its gewd. And, if adventurous, go above and beyond (whatever the hell that means) and scope the DJ of the WWWW’s newest blaze HEAR.

• DJWWWW: https://soundcloud.com/DJWWWW
• Wasabi Tapes: http://wasabitapes.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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