♫♪  Hiro Kone - Fallen Angels

Y’all diggin’ them sample-based twitch-DJ fuckery from England? That’s chill. But Hiro Kone is in NYC and really rocking together both that spastically produced fluidity and pensive tonal meditation sonars, blending in vibes on Fallen Angels that only a booming city can produce, so she’s in the right place. Couldn’t say I’d call it “home” to Kone, considering everyone is pretty much a transplant here, and I’ve no real biography on the gal, but it’s all about the hear-and-now.

Geographic North is all about thoughtful experimental music, and Hiro Kone marks an interesting catalog number for the label, as Fallen Angels rise to the occasion and drop out just as quick —er, musically. The adventure with this tape is worth the journey. Where will Fallen Angels land you? Does the weight of flight feel as though nothing else exists? Find out below, as Fallen Angels by Hiro Kone is streaming in FULL via Geographic North, from whom you can purchase this tape (here). Enjoy the trip:

• Hiro Kone: http://www.hirokone.com
• Geographic North: http://geographic-north.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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