♫♪  Lotic - “Headlock”

0 ms “After updating existing content” has been invoked.
0.215 ms Loaded variable “unhinged content”
10.186 ms Condition “Textual comparison” evaluated to FALSE.
20.205 ms Condition “Club Terrorist” evaluated to TRUE.
20.271 ms Executing the rule “Reserving: Updating Author” on rule set “After updating existing content”
37.168 ms Condition “SOPHIE” evaluated to FALSE.
37.664 ms Condition “Janus Berlin” evaluated to TRUE.
37.729 ms Executing the rule “When submitted, change to “Created”” on rule set “After updating existing content”
37.839 ms Condition “Content is Damsel In Distress” evaluated to FALSE.
37.888 ms Executing the rule “Clear node’s page cache on edit” on rule set “After updating existing content”
38.687 ms Action execution: “Log to             
38.841 ms Evaluation of “After updating existing content” has been completed.
Chocolate Grinder Lotic - “Headlock” published.

• Lotic: https://soundcloud.com/lotic
• Janus: http://janusberlin.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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