♫♪  Nick James b2b sohsie LAN - Jingo Mixfile For Shenzen

Piggy backing off his his new banging EP The Hawk, Nick James made a mix with sohsie LAN entitled Jingo Mixfile For Shenzen, and it will completely fuck your brain up. There are so many hallways being discovered and traveled all at once here, that direction is merely of time rather than forward or back. As if they co-joined with Stephen Hawking, Nick James b2b sohsie LAN traverse imaginary time as if it’s a concept that’s as easily understood as screwing and unscrewing a pop cap off the bottle.

Also, I believe Nick James will be playing the Asystems/TMT stage at Hopscotch Music Fest this year, but don’t quote me!

• Nick James: https://soundcloud.com/nxjames
• sohsie LAN: https://soundcloud.com/sohsielan

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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