♫♪  Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - “Black Magic Originated In Nature”

P hits me up at 1:19 AM. Monday night. After I read his message around 2 AM, I spiral into a dream portal:

I’m driving in a dimly-lit European(ish) city surrounded by street lights, cobble stone, slate roofing, and rows of store fronts; I’m on my way to a hostel. Inside, I meet Sharpest, jDav, and Gumshoe, and they are ready to split because the owner ignored “their American ways.” I give them the same look they gave the owner as I jingle keys in my pocket of the car I’d just stolen. Refusing to pay for our stay, we run out the back door, through a damp alley, and into the cramped car, which is pulled over as I try driving off.

More cops arrive after I give my ID to the one at the car window, and as he walks away, we all make a run for it. We meet up in a dingy underground laboratory. Elliott lets out a yelp and leaves us as quick as his exclamation. Joe thinks it’d be dream-logical to take a sip of the nearest jar containing goo, and Gumshoe and I wait in reluctant anticipation for him to HULK-out. Suddenly the doors burst open, light engulfs everything, my jaw locks, Gumshoe is crying about his daughter, sounds like Joe is smashing shit, and it feels as thought I’m whisked into a Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement: blinded by aura and imprisoned in sludge.

This dream convinced me “Black Magic Originated In Nature,” which is also the feeling I get while listening to Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement’s track on Folklore Venom. Folklore Venom and its sibling-cassette The Plant With Many Faces have both been re-released on vinyl via Hospital Productions, so now you ain’t gotta pay a hundo-plus for this year’s originals.

• Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement: http://discogs.com/artist/Rainforest+Spiritual+Enslavement
• Hospital Productions: http://hospitalproductions.net

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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