♫♪  Guest Mix: PHORK - Gathered Together And Lost Alone (Live 2015 Mix)

I first heard about PHORK from this berry website back in 2012. Not being a fan of “dance” music in general, I was drawn in by the striking cover art. Duh. And after giving the preview for the tape a listen, I was immediately pulled in by Neil Reinalda’s (a.k.a PHORK, a.k.a. P.H.O.R.K., a.k.a. People’s Higher Order of Royal Kinship) sharp and distancing outlet for pulse and purpose. His use of supreme head-nodding syncopation seemed to speak to my loopy noodle, but it was more so the surrounding sounds that caught my attention. A door was unlocked. The feel of the music took me to an destination wedding where the to-be-married couple had skipped town and coasted away with an ill mix in the deck, knowing fracture was inevitable, but loving the moment, all while the stragglers and hanger-ons of the wedding party waited for their romance pills to be served up with a tasty glass of cool water. No such cups of H2O produced themselves, though. The couple drove away, and eyelashes were lost and never wished upon. From that moment on, I was hooked.

Since then, Neil has kept on bringing the hits. Like a frosty cigarette break, his back catalog (on the likes of NNA, Time No Place, Orange Milk, Dirty Pillows, Opal Tapes, Noumenal Loom, Player Press, and, most recently, Pastel Voids) is a bundle of arctic intakes, filled with mind-swaddled repetition and scrapes of familiar and not-so-familiar sounds. Plus, there’s this fucking gem.

But, I digress. Being the nice chap that he is, Neil gifted us a mix of unreleased material, entitled Gathered Together And Lost Alone (Live 2015 Mix). Composed of what he describes as “… a version of the PHORK live set from last year, recorded in one take”, this mix is a jagged little pill, so swallow soft. Ain’t no water at this club. Just nitric acid. Also, be on the lookout for a new PHORK cassette on Sacred Phrases, to be released later this month.

Stream below, and subscribe to our podcast here.

[00:00] PHORK - “Green Shade (Angel)”
[08:45] PHORK - “Collective Delierium”
[13:43] A Made Up Sound - “Half Hour Jam On A Borrowed Synth”
[17:20] PHORK - “E.D.M. (Everyone’s Dead Money)”
[22:30] PHORK - “Eezey Bounce”
[25:36] Randomer - “Juju”
[30:00] PHORK - “Talk Don’t Turnt”
[33:17] TWR72 X Henry Flynt - “ADE 2014 Club Tools TWO + C Tune (PHORK Mash Up)”
[39:32] PHORK X Ben Turner - Racket House (PHORK’s Crash Version)

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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