♫♪  FarragoL - 芬氣い愛

Fresh off the Acorn Tapes release of 叁部曲:self軀離, FarragoL is on that chill back-attack with new loops, fresh scoops, and all dat smash. JKJKJKJKjkjkjkjkjk, no smash involed; 芬氣い愛 is pure coolin’ on TRACKING WAVES. And it’s a supreme blent of tai-chi kung-fu beat-tape vaporwave bliss on the criss, sis. Nod slow. Don’t fucking nod at all. Relish the relic.

Remember them commercials for CDs popped off on television years back? 芬氣い愛 was the soundtrack to the filming of each and every one of those. In the back of someones big-ass garage. Behind the curtain a porn mattress, straight up: nobody slept on it. Just fucked. Or it was FarragoL dropping heat in napalm forms of loop territory. Tons of wires everywhere. Oh, FarragoL is like thousands of years old and knows heavy ancient dialects of Hokkien, Hakka, and even began most primal annunciations of Formosan.

Absorb 芬氣い愛 by FarragoL ASAP on TRACKING WAVES in digital and reel ways:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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