♫♪  Robedoor - ALREADY IN THE VOID 2017 – Mixtape

Blood-sweat off the brow. A pizza delivery that took more than an hour. What the fuck baseball game is tonight? Ima kidnap the pizza man like everybody else. We’re getting high, playing some Tekken 7, eating the fucking pizza, and maybe holding a seance, where I trade him in for the ultimate tip: life ever lasting; everything has its cost. And then it’s all about cutting up the body in a titled bathroom, the last five trash bags, bricks off the sidewalk, and the canal. All along the canal. Speak the language.

Robedoor is going on tour in Europe starting Friday, Oct. 13 to Oct. 27. Below is a track list of a mix they made entitled ALREADY IN THE VOID to jam on the flight there, sharing a pair of earbuds, for sure:

Andrew Pinches & James Whelan / Norseman
Coil / No New World
Invisible Path / Descension
Dweller at the Threshold / Nebulous Portal (excerpt)
Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra / Algol’s Black Lights
Lyke Wake / The World’s My Wound
Burzum / Tomhet (screwed excerpt)
Ramleh / Product Of Fear
Old Tower / Blood Rituals in the Forest & Golden Crowns of Power
David Naegele / Journeys Out of Body (excerpt)
X.Y.R. / Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Blue Communion: ISAM / A Journey on a Winding Road, Climbing Into the Cloud Forest in the Back of a Pick-Up Truck

And cash ‘em in Euro-neck of the woods; their first time back in three years

Friday 13 October - Jigsaw, Dublin (IE) w/ Davy Kehoe
Saturday 14 October - The Roundy Bar, Cork (IE)
Tuesday 17 October - Olympic Café, Paris (FR)*
Wednesday 18 October - Les Pavillons Sauvages, Toulouse (FR)*
Thursday 19 October - Le Sonic, Lyon (FR)*
Friday 20 October - TBA, Genoa (IT)*
Saturday 21 October - Dobialab, Staranzano (IT)*
Monday 23 October - Boschbar at Provitreff, Zurich (CH)*
Tuesday 24 October - FJT les Oiseaux, Besançon (FR)*
Wednesday 25 October - Le Bourg, Lausanne (CH)*
Thursday 26 October - La Machine à Coudre, Marseille (FR)*
Saturday 28 October - La Fine, Roma (IT)

* support from Chicaloyoh

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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