♫♪  Pod Blotz - “How many times can I die?”

Like a sugar-coated seizure or candy-cane hallucination, “How many times can I die?” — both visually and audibly — is like leaving your body’s existence at the paired point of pure ecstasy. Pod Blotz (a.k.a. Suzy Poling) uses stark sounds and a relentless beat in grains of smeared pressure, vocalized in a cyclone of clam, furious and pokerfaced, heightening the intensity and leveling piece of mind. Seeing Jimmy Fallon (as a suggested video) at the end is totally mind-numbing in the sense of thinking Pod Blotz performing “How many times can I die?” in a plume of dense mist to an audience engaged in an aura of mouth-breathing amazement.

Want the full effect? After enjoying the video above, click yourself the play button on Cønjuntø Vacíø’s Bandcamp and grip the full five tracks on cassette tape and reel it until the music burns down your apartment, so insurance is like “We have to pay you everything back! Wait, weren’t you in the fire? How are you here?”

• Pod Blotz: https://soundcloud.com/podblotz
• Cønjuntø Vacíø: https://conjuntovacio.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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