Alex Zhang Hungtai retires Dirty Beaches alias, possibly after increasing pressures from Greenpeace

Alex Zhang Hungtai retires Dirty Beaches alias, possibly after increasing pressures from Greenpeace

Aw, man. And I was just starting to get used to the idea that every beach I ever go to should rightly resemble a filthy abrasive pile of vomit-y dogshit! Oh well. What can you do?

Well, actually, I guess the most reasonable human thing would be to quickly look around for a scapegoat. Hmm. Personally, I blame Exclaim for cluing me into the fact that Canadian mastermind Alex Zhang Hungtai — erstwhile creator of such VH1 classic albums as 2011’s Badlands and 2013’s Drifters/Love is the Devil — has “decided to end the project.” And while he hasn’t really cited a specific reason for doing so, fans can rest assured that the man’s musicmaking will continue one way or another after Dirty Beaches gets buried in the syringe-littered sand, as he has duly assured everyone who counts in this world via Twitter that “its sad to say goodbye to DB, but rest assured NEW PROJECTS NEW MUSIC COMING SOON 2015.” Bam! See? Not just assurance… but CAPSLOCK assurance! That’s the best kind. I ASSURE YOU.

Luckily, he’s not ending DB prior to the release of his instrumental LP Stateless that’s due out next week, because we already deftly reported on that shit, and that would be SO CONFUSING for the internet when the contradiction ripped a giant hole in the spacetime continuum and whatnot.

• Dirty Beaches:
• Zoo Music:

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