Crazy day for music, readers. James Ferraro released a new mixtape, Scott Walker + sunn O))) announced a collaboration, Dean Blunt took over Rinse FM, and now THIS (from Death Grips’ Facebook page):
we are now at our best and so Death Grips is over. we have officially stopped. all currently scheduled live dates are canceled. our upcoming double album “the powers that b” will still be delivered worldwide later this year via Harvest/Third Worlds Records. Death Grips was and always has been a conceptual art exhibition anchored by sound and vision. above and beyond a “band”. to our truest fans, please stay legend.
Skepticism abounds, but it’d be a weird prank, no? Listen to niggas on the moon while you think about what you’ll do post-Death Grips.
• Death Grips: http://thirdworlds.net
• Harvest: http://www.harvestrecords.com
More about: Death Grips