And the reissue train rolls on. What Drag City started a number of years ago with the LP reissue of 1989’s self-titled debut, then steamed right through 1998’s Accelerator and its EP follow up 3-Song EP, will continue with the band’s penultimate album, Veterans of Disorder, out in the world again on November 19 (14 years, two months, and 12 days after the original release according to Drag City). Well, I guess I should say “penultimate if you don’t count Hand of Glory.”
Anyway, originally released by Drag City back in 99, Veterans of Disorder has been out of print for (at least) several years. If I have my timeline correct, Veterans was the first full-length release of material written after Neil Hagerty and Jennifer Herrema’s brief stint with Virgin Records. Most (all?) of Accelerator pulls from stuff they recorded at Virgin, so Veterans is sort of a return to their roots. Sort of.
I should note that one of the benefits of writing about Royal Trux is that it gives me an excuse to put up a link to this ancient interview with Jennifer Herrema conducted by James Jackson Toth. Neato.
Here’s the Veterans of Disorder tracklist, just in case you forgot what it looked like:
01. Waterpark
02. Stop
03. The Exception
04. Second Skin
05. Witch’s Tit
06. Lunch Money
07. ¡Yo Se!
08. Sickazz Dog
09. Coming Out Party
10. Blue Is the Frequency
• Royal Trux: http://www.dragcity.com/artists/royal-trux
• Drag City: http://www.dragcity.com
More about: Royal Trux