Last time we talked about Graham Lambkin’s Kye imprint putting on a festival I was a sopping heap of nothing but complaints and Limp Bizkit references. I mean, to be fair, the whole thing was going down in London at Cafe Oto and that is pretty far from my house, but even so, it wasn’t very professional. So, now that I’ve heard tell of yet another Kye festival, this one in New York at the ISSUE Project Room no less (somewhere I could conceivably drive without having to use a super-high-tech amphibious vehicle), I’m going to see if I can’t keep it together for a couple hundred words.
As with its London counterpart, the Kye festival at the ISSUE Project Room will take place over the course of two days, October 25 and 26. On Saturday the 25th, Tim Goss and Chloe Mutter’s Call Back the Giants, Matt Krefting, and Vanessa Rossetto will perform. Rossetto will also reportedly be joined by a super-special-secret guest (I’ve got my fingers crossed for Lee Patterson just because their collaboration on Temperament as Waveform last year was so great, but your guess is as good as mine at this point). On Sunday the 26th, Malcolm Goldstein will perform, in addition to a collaborative performance between Graham Lambkin and James Rushford. Lambkin will also present Henning Christiansen’s Opus 186 Schafe statt Geigen, a tape piece that was — awesomely — originally performed by Christiansen and 30 sheep (!!). Tickets for both days are available on the ISSUE Project Room site. To prepare yourself, take a listen below to an excerpt from Call Back the Giants’ release from last year, The Marianne.
• Kye: http://kyerecords.blogspot.com
More about: Call Back the Giants, Graham Lambkin, Henning Christiansen, James Rushford, Malcolm Goldstein, Matt Krefting, Vanessa Rossetto