Lil B’s overshadowing of Kanye West continues, new Platinum Flame mixtape on the way

Lil B's overshadowing of Kanye West continues, new Platinum Flame mixtape on the way
"Yeah, it's me again. You're still welcome."

Hey, remember like a day and a half ago when I said near the end of a (hilarious and insightful) Lil B news post “But wait. There’s more.”???

Well, turns out I didn’t even realize at the time what kind of insane oracular genius I am, cuz…


His Royal Based-ness took to Twitter earlier today to announce that the newest (and therefore greatest) mixtape in his long-running flame-titled series, Platinum Flame, is “80% done.”

“80 percent,” y’all! That’s, like, at least a C-minus!

He then proceeded to promise “new Lil b music videos soon!!!!!!” before assuring us all that he loves us very much, misspelling the word “believe,” and abusing the poor exclamation point worse that I abuse the use of ALL CAPS.

Yeah, who know what that means in terms of an actual timeline, but…DETAILS, DETAILS, right? Besides, I know what you’re thinking: “enough of this ‘news reporting’ bullshit; just show us a picture of the Tweet!”

Done and done. And DONE!

(Thank you in-advance, Based God.)

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