Sheesh. All Oren Ambarchi wants is to be left alone and to make the music he feels like making. But nooooo; we at Tiny Mix Tapes just won’t let that happen! After constantly setting off his Google Alerts for years and years, it seems like we’ve finally pressured him to re-release one of his all-time classics: 2004’s Grapes of the Estate.
If you’re a longtime follower of Ambarchi (which, if you’re reading this here on our site, I’m assuming you are) you’ll recall that Grapes of the Estate marked a whole new era of Ombarchi-core music. Emerging from the low-end neo darkness of his former palette, this 2004 record was a step forward towards the embrace of layered, minimal tonality that he would emphasize — over a decade later — on 2014’s Quixotism, 2016’s Hubris, and last year’s collaboration with Crys Cole. While Ambarchi may have spent much of his time over that decade collaborating with the likes of Jim O’Rourke, Sunn O))), Z’EV, and, like, a million other people; we still haven’t given up on that classic Ambarchi sound. We’ve demonstrated this by sending him AIM messages and emails over the years saying “Come on man! Give us more of that classic Ambarchi sound!”
And get this: this isn’t just a plain ol’ reissue either. This one’s remastered than none other than Rashad Becker, who gave us one of the best records of last year. And if you’re a fan of Ambarchi’s attention to detail (which, again, I’ll assume you are) we know you’ll pick up on every smidgen of a touch lended by Becker.
The remastered double LP will be available via Ambarchi’s home of Black Truffle Records “at the start of April,” along with some spanking-new artwork by Stephen O’Malley. In the meantime, you can give yourself a reminder course on what the original sounded like over on Ambarchi’s Bandcamp. Thanks Oren! Can’t promise we’ll leave you alone after this…but we appreciate your efforts to appease!
Grapes of the Estate tracklisting:
01. Corkscrew
02. Girl With The Silver Eyes
03. Remedios The Beauty
04. Stars Aligned, Webs Spun

More about: Oren Ambarchi, Rashad Becker