The time has come. As has been foretold, the stars have aligned, the visas have been approved, and The Hope Six Demolition Project is out. Verily, I say to thee: for the first time in five years, PJ Harvey will return to America.
Specifically to New York and Los Angeles. Sorry everybody else!!! Anyway, our coastal friends can expect to relish in the wonder and joy of Miss Polly Jean Harvey as accompanied by her nine-piece band, which includes Alain Johannes, Alessandro Stefana, Enrico Gabrielli, James Johnston, Jean-Marc Butty, John Parish, Kenrick Rowe, Mick Harvey, and Terry Edwards.
Tickets go on sale tomorrow, Friday the 13th, at 10 AM ET.
08.16.16 - New York, NY - Terminal 50
08.18.16 - Los Angeles, CA - Shrine Expo Hall
More about: PJ Harvey