♫♪  Treasure Hunt - “ACTIVIA BENZ”

“The pleasure is all mine, doctor,” he says existing the office around the back, rolls a joint, and coughs a cloud into the sky just minutes before work. Coffee tastes burnt, always: now. Inhalants is at an all time Should-I-Bake-It-Instead?. Feels like that dude’s tits walk out his ass. Like that spoof of Star Trek when they teleport and Spock’s head is a butt pimple. Or a really beige shirt on beautifully-dark, natural skin. And it’s just enough time for another lefty-loosie around the bend of a rotund building. Your phone’s been buggin’ since it was dropped in the shower last night, and Pedicure Records’ pd-s1 begins to shred away your speaker to the fragmented zone of “ACTIVIA BENZ.” How does it feel, at all:

• Treasure Hunt: http://mylesdunhill.tumblr.com
• Pedicure Records: https://soundcloud.com/pedicure-records

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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