♫♪  toiret status - ObenjO

Pedicure just got the porcelain polish with toiret status’ newest flush of an EP, ObenjO. Another thing I dig about Pedicure is how gritty the whole collective gets with sounds. Like, save the bathroom humor for the loo, because these sounds need a double flush. There’s so many spastic holes just plummeting material from ObenjO that I might just down a bottle of Delsym to keep up on the mind-fuck happening here. Layers of sounds being shed into a mound of exploration. Pure digital ecstasy. And it don’t stop.

Head to Pedicure Records’ SoundCloud page immediately for toiret status’ ObenjO and continue to scope that foot-nail painted horizon.

• Pedicure Records: https://soundcloud.com/pedicure-records
• toiret status: https://soundcloud.com/toiretstatus

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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