Far be it from me to complain about the uncomplainable (no, I’m not talking about meth), but when did bombardment-by-abhorrent-cover-version become standard practice in supermarkets? Nickelback doing Queen, Nickelback doing Metallica, Nickelback doing Nickelback…it’s enough to make one pine for the freewheeling harum-scarum days when Muzak ruled the grocery aisles with breezy renditions of “Ebony and Ivory” and “Joy to the World.”
Of course, for every piss artist taking liberties, there is another taking new arrangements of classics into endlessly interesting sound vistas. Ex-Harry Pussy fuckologist-turned-guitariffic minstrel Bill Orcutt — who already knows a thing or two about impeccably-rendered cover versions — is about to issue his first solo electric studio album of historically-significant songbook-fuckology on June 30.
The self-titled Bill Orcutt will see release on his regular outlet, Palilalia, and consists of ten tracks including choice covers (Ornette Coleman’s “Lonely Woman”), little known nuggets (“When You Wish Upon a Star,” “White Christmas,” “Star Spangled Banner”), and even a few original numbers (“The World Without Me,” “O Platitudes!”)
Orcutt has been indulging his love of modern standards for a while now, but today, TMT is proud to premiere one of the album’s thoughtful, self-penned compositions. Take a gander and cock an ear at this gorgeous greyscale video for “The World Without Me” below. While you’re at it, pre-order the album (on CD and limited-to-750 LP) here, and then feast your eyes on the cover art and full-album tracklist.

Bill Orcutt tracklisting:
01. Lonely Woman
02. When You Wish Upon a Star
03. Ol Man River
04. Nearer My God To Thee
05. The World Without Me
06. White Christmas
07. O Platitudes!
08. Christmas on Earth
09. Over the Rainbow
10. Star Spangled Banner
More about: Bill Orcutt, Harry Pussy