♫♪  Ventla - “Ricoh Elemex”

Betwixt the realm of justification and acceptance, sandwiched between reality and imagination, lies an undenyingly prolific entity by the name of Ventla. Haunched atop a steed of impressive prowess and supierour skill known as musicianship, the Japan based producer pours liquid nitrogen into tracks with a steady hand and an equally focused and fervent brow. He scores his ever-flowing digital files with measured portions of genius, though he sometimes does indulge in the physical game. Such if life, doth reader.

Now that the above nonsense is over, I can tell you that Ventla has a new cassette, For Human Consumption, coming out soonish on Astro Nautico. You can preorder it here, and listen to a sample off the album below, but please don’t consume “Ricoh Elemex” too quickly. I would hate for your to chip your tooth on it’s sugary funk!

• Ventla: https://soundcloud.com/ventla
• Astro Nautico: http://astronauti.co

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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